Tuesday, September 17, 2013

10 Pictures of Pop-Culture in the Wichita Area

Here are the 10 pictures I started with to get an idea of the popular culture of Wichita. Since I am not a native, I went with the first things that came to mind when I think of Wichita. Some of these pictures I took myself, and some were found online. I will bold the pop-culture images I used in my actual project.

I swear there is a McD's every 20 feet. I can't escape them.

Gorges Volvo Dealership
My family owns nothing but Volvo cars, and Wichita is the closest (and possibly the only) place where we can get our cars fixed.

Century II
I danced competitively for 5 years before entering college and the majority of the competitions I attended were at the Century II.

Hyatt Regency
I have attended Anime Festival Wichita almost every single year (I started around AFW3, when it was still at the Best Western in Park City), and I always stay at the con's hotel, the Hyatt.

Wichita Skyline
There's a song written called "Wichita Skyline", and I thought that was pretty cool. By the way, not a good idea to pull over on the left shoulder on Kellogg. Kinda scary.

Keeper of the Plains
Of course, everyone picks Keeper of the Plains. That river walk is beautiful too.

Bridge Spires
These are the bridge spires on the bridge next to the Hyatt. Since I've been in that area so much these spires are one of the first things I think of.

Old Town
Like Keeper of the Plains, Old Town is a given.

Cessna Airfield
I tried to get a picture of a plane up close, but I drove into a restricted section with signs alerting me to notify security to gain access into the area I was already in. I decided to not stay long.

Kellogg (photo not mine)
Kellogg is the main road of Wichita (for me, at least).

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